Bachelors in Electrical Engineering
Ostrava, Czech Republic
3 Years
Full time
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CZK 50,000 / per semester
The aim of the study of the three-year bachelor's program in Electrical Engineering is to educate a bachelor as a university-educated operational specialist in all areas of electrical engineering and at the same time to prepare him for a follow-up master's degree. During the study, graduates of the program will acquire the necessary knowledge of mathematics, physics, theoretical electrical engineering, electronics, measuring and control systems, communication technologies and electrical power engineering. In practice, graduates will work, for example, as a designer of electronic equipment, service technicians of measuring and control technology, designers of semiconductor technology, technicians of operation of communication networks, and designers of electrical systems.
1st Semester
- Circuit Theory I
- Electricity Generation and Utilization
- English Language b/I for FEI - intermediate
- Introduction to Communication Technologies
- Mathematical Analysis
- Physical Education
- Principles of Physics
- Safety in Electrical Engineering I
2nd Semester
- Basics of Algorithms and Programming
- Circuit Theory II
- Electrical Measurements
- Electronics
- English Language b/II for FEI - intermediate
- Linear Algebra
- Physical Education
- Soft Skills I
3rd Semester
- English Language b/III for FEI - intermediate
- Mathematical Analysis
- Network Technologies I
- Physics I
- Power Semiconductor Systems
- Programmable Controllers and HMI/SCADA Systems
- Signals and Systems
4th Semester
- Digital and Microprocessor Technique I
- Electricity Transmission and Distribution
- English Language b/IV for FEI - intermediate
- Ethical Questions of Modern Science
- High Voltage Technology
- Introduction to Statistics
- Network Technologies II
5th Semester
- Bachelor Seminar Work
- Embedded Systems
- Fundamentals of the Security in Communications
- Microcomputer Control Systems I
- Optoelectronics
- Selected Chapters of Electrical Machines and Apparatuses
6th Semester
- Bachelor Seminar Work
- Data Transmission
- Electrical Controlled Drives I
- Electrical Lighting and Heating Technology
- Industrial Robotics I
Program Outcome
Hard Skills
- Control Electronics (Control Systems With Microprocessors)
- Power Electronics (Design, Knowledge and Use of Semiconductor Converters)
- Ip Communication Protocols
- Sw - Matlab/Simulink (Creation of Simulation Models and System Simulation)
- Measurement of Electrical Quantities
- Optical Sensors and Networks
- Electrical Machines and Appliances
Study Aims
The study aims to educate bachelors as a university-educated expert who masters the theoretical and practical foundations of electrical engineering. The bachelor's study program aims to educate graduates with a broad base so that they can either continue in one of the follow-up master's study programs in the given areas of education or he can go into practice.
Graduate's Knowledge
Graduates are prepared as bachelors with a broad base in the field of electrical engineering. During the study, graduates of the program will acquire the necessary knowledge of mathematics, physics, theoretical electrical engineering, electronics, measuring and control systems, communication technologies and electrical power engineering.
Specifically, it is knowledge mainly from digital and microprocessor technology, microcomputer control systems, power semiconductor systems, communication networks and data transmission, programmable logic controllers and visualizations of control systems, embedded systems, industrial robotics, electrical machines and apparatus, production, transmission, distribution and use of electrical energy.
Graduate's Skills
Graduates of the bachelor's program can solve practical problems in various areas of electrical engineering based on a framework-defined task. Graduates can find, classify and interpret information that is important for solving a defined practical problem and can use some basic research procedures in the field to the extent necessary for solving practical problems.
Graduate's General Competence
Graduates of the bachelor's study program can design and use in practice technical procedures in the field of electrical engineering. According to the framework assignment, he can also coordinate the activities of the team. They acquire additional professional knowledge, skills and competencies based on practical experience, which can be supplemented by an independent study of theoretical knowledge.
Career Opportunities
Graduate's Employment
Graduates can work as workers in various operations, in design and in research and development departments in the development and implementation of electronic applications. Typical job positions are electronic equipment designer, service technician of measuring and control technology, designer of semiconductor technology, technician of operation of communication networks, and designer of electrical systems.
- Measurement technician
- Electronics development worker
- Power engineering design engineer
- Electrical equipment developer
- Diagnostic technician
- Software developer for industrial electronics
- Communications network designer
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.