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Universitas Sriwijaya Agriculture graduate
Universitas Sriwijaya

Agriculture graduate

Palembang, Indonesia

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Jul 2023

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South Sumatra is an agricultural area and the largest part of the population is farmers. The agricultural area in South Sumatra is very large, so it requires personnel who have the skills (skills) of knowledge and technology to make South Sumatra a superior area, especially in the field of agriculture.

This is what prompted the emergence of ideas among community leaders in South Sumatra, including H. Achmad Bastari, who was then the Governor of the South Sumatra Province and Oembuh Alwie, retired Head of the Central People's Agricultural Service, to establish the Faculty of Agriculture in Palembang which is expected to be produce human resources who are able to help overcome various problems in the agricultural sector in general (including livestock, fisheries, plantations and forestry). This idea was later transformed into an idea to form a Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture by the Governor / KDH of South Sumatra Province, on May 10, 1962. Oembuh Alwie, Secretary Ir. Bakry Hamid and treasurer Ir. Soetrisno. With the PTIP Ministerial Decree Number 86/62 dated July 25, 1962, the committee was approved as the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture.

The Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sriwijaya successfully established, namely with the Decree of the Minister of PTIP, when it was held by Prof. Dr. Tojib Hadiwijdaja, Number 108/1963 dated September 20, 1963. According to the decree the Faculty of Agriculture was founded on August 27, 1963. The official establishment ceremony for the Faculty of Agriculture Unsri was carried out on September 26, 1963 by the Minister of PTIP Prof. Dr. Tojib Hadiwidjaja as one of the events to commemorate National Farmers Day. With a decree from the Minister of PTIP to be appointed as the first Dean, Oembuh Alwie and Ir. Bakry Hamid as Assistant Dean.

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