Brawijaya University
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) was established by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire no. 258/K/61 sent on July 11, 1961. The Brawijaya name derived from the title of the King of Majapahit, a great kingdom in Indonesia from the 12th to the 15th century.
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) was established by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire no. 258/K/61 sent on July 11, 1961. The Brawijaya name derived from the title of the King of Majapahit, a great kingdom in Indonesia from the 12th to the 15th century. Later, UB transformed into a state university on January 5, 1963, following a Presidential Decree issued earlier in the same year.
Today UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 60.000 students in various vocational, bachelor, master, doctoral, professional, and medical specialist programs. UB has various academic facilities such as libraries, laboratories (LSIH and LSSR), Research and Community Services (LPPM), Educational Development (LP2), QA Center (LPM), International Office, Bioscience Institute, UB Press, UB Media and Communication Group, Integrated Labs, UB Forest, Agrotechnopark, the Center of Disability Studies and Services.
- Malang
Universitas Brawijaya Jl. Veteran Malang East Java, Indonesia , 65145, Malang