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Universidade de Ribeirão Preto 

Quality Unaerp

• First university in the region of Ribeirão Preto, founded on 1 June 1924 • Recognized by the MEC as University in December 1985. • Campus based in Ribeirão Preto campus and in Guaruja with degrees, bachelor degrees and higher education technology in the classroom and distance learning methods and teaching infrastructure, research and laboratories, equipment, library and technology resources. • 500,000 calls made to the community in over 30 outreach programs, clinics, laboratories, hospital itself and in hospitals, UPA and UBDS the city and region.


Generate and disseminate knowledge to promote and contribute to the development of the individual and society, based on ethical and Christian principles, with freedom of research, teaching and extension innovation while maintaining constant interaction with national and international contexts.


The UNAERP - University of Ribeirão Preto was the first institution of higher education in the Ribeirão Preto region. Founded in 1st. June 1924 as Society School Pharmácia and Ribeirão Preto Dental School, a group of idealistic health professionals, intellectuals and educators, since its implementation was intended to promote the social, educational and cultural development of so rich coffee capital today main sugarcane Polo País.Daquele visionary initial project, the trajectory of UNAERP had strong growth since the end of the 1950s, when Professor Electro Bonini (1913-2011), took over the management.

Organizational structure

The administration of the University of Ribeirão Preto consists of entities active in integrated, coordinating all activities of teaching, research and extension. Are the Higher Council, Chancellor, Dean, Group Manager, Directors, Coordinators and Collegiate.


The Unaerp has two campuses: the campus headquarters in Ribeirao Preto, installed on Ribeirânia Quarter, and the second campus in Guaruja, the Cove neighborhood. The campuses are planned and equipped with clinics, laboratories, library, classrooms, service and meeting halls, academic and administrative sectors to support the teaching, research and extension, as well as service areas, living and leisure that enable and qualify college life.

Thus, those who live here are more than academic infrastructure, research and extension. Campus Ribeirão and Campus Guaruja are planned spaces and care to promote the welfare of thousands of people who for their transit throughout the year, because besides the faculty, staff and students, community members also attend campuses in search services and amenities.

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    Universidade de Ribeirão Preto