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Universidad Internacional de Valencia - Grados online

The Valencian International University (VIU) It is a private university with an international online recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain.

Our teaching offer consists of official degrees and masters that expands each year to give students a complete and updated based on the training needs of the training market.

The main feature is that VIU is an online university whose activity is developed through a virtual campus. Any device with an Internet connection students from around the world, receive real-time class through interactive videoconferences that provide the best international experts. During 2014-2015 the International University of Valencia continues to reaffirm its international vocation and has more than 2100 students from 35 countries.

UVI Online


The Valencian International University's mission is to offer students the opportunity to improve their training regardless of their particular circumstances, completely eliminating barriers of distance, location or schedules, thanks to the use of new technologies and their method of unique and innovative teaching.

Our educational model aims to reproduce all the features of a real class and eliminate any barrier between student and teacher, providing an interactive education where students can participate in the classroom as if he were physically present.

The principles that move the Valencian International University are:

  • Commitment to training and student success.
  • Offer degrees, double degrees and master's degrees that meet the training requirements currently demanded by the market.
  • Constant innovation in teaching and learning methods.
  • Provide updated content and quality of teaching materials students.
  • Promoting employment.
  • Our teaching offer consists of degrees, double degrees and masters that expands each year to give students a complete and updated based on the training needs of the training market.


International University of Valencia promotes the involvement of teachers, training for the twenty-first century, quality practices and mobility programs, continuous student assessment and analysis of the employment of graduates / as.

As an educational institution, it makes a clear commitment to quality and innovation, and employs the latest technology, with the ultimate goal of ensuring total quality and excellence of the securities offered, which implies the implementation of a strategy of systematic, structured and continuous management in line with this commitment.

Internal Quality Assurance System of VIU is designed taking into account the principles set out in the AUDIT program of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

In addition, the Bachelor and Master offered have been designed taking into account the guidelines established by the VERIFICA Program ANECA as well as recommendations and guidelines established by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

Finally, Valencia Region d'Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP) is responsible for monitoring and accreditation of programs offered by the VIU.

  • Spain Online

    Calle Gorgos, nº 5 y 7 46021 Valencia (España), , Spain Online

    Universidad Internacional de Valencia - Grados online