Business Administration (Undergrad)
Shepherdstown, USA
1 up to 4 Years
Full time
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USD 18,722 / per year
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Shepherd University and the Department of Business Administration is located in the Shenandoah Valley, on the banks of the Potomac River, in historic Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The oldest town in the state, Shepherdstown is a quaint university community with the town and campus combining to offer a unique learning environment.
Our students come from all backgrounds and locations and are invited to choose from a variety of programs housed within our department. We offer a major in business administration with accredited options in: general business, marketing, management, entrepreneurship or financial planning. Our financial planning program is certified by the CFP Board. Or perhaps you are interested in one of several business minors. Our faculty bring both theoretical and practical expertise to their classrooms, and their aim is to mentor and guide you into fulfilling careers.
Scholarships and Funding
The bachelor of science in business administration is designed to give students a fundamental understanding of the substance and context of business in a world that is highly competitive and dynamic. Students are exposed to a diverse background in the various disciplines necessary for achieving success in the business arena. Each concentration is designed to include quantitative, innovation and problem solving, and specific skills appropriate to become successful in that concentration.
Graduates of the bachelor of science in business administration major secure positions in insurance companies, banks, retail businesses, personnel and human resource departments, college or health care administration, government services, and/or manage their own businesses.
Specific University Core Curriculum requirements:
- ECON 205 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3 cr)
- ECON 206 - Principles of Microeconomics (3 cr)
- MATH 105 - College Algebra (3 cr)
- OR MATH 108 - Precalculus (4 cr)
- OR MATH 154 - Finite Mathematics (3 cr)
- OR MATH 155 - Discrete Structures (3 cr)
- OR MATH 205 - Calculus With Applications (4 cr)
- OR MATH 207 - Calculus I (4 cr)
Total hours required for a major, 60-66 Hours:
Business core requirements, 48 Hours:
- ACCT 201 - Principles of Financial Accounting I (3cr)
- ACCT 202 - Principles of Financial Accounting II (3cr)
- FINC 300 - Introduction to Financial Management (3 cr)
- BADM 310 - Principles of Management (3 cr)
- BADM 312 - Business Law I (3 cr)
- BADM 224 - Business Statistics (3 cr)
- BADM 323 - Human Resources and Business Ethics (3cr)
- BADM 338 - Business Information Systems (3 cr)
- BADM 340 - Principles of Marketing (3cr)
- BADM 345 - Business Communications (3 cr)
- BADM 359 - International Business (3 cr)
- BADM 407 - Business Strategy and Policy (3 cr)
Complete two quantitative courses (see specific Concentration below for recommended courses), 6 Hours:
- ACCT 305 - Managerial Accounting (3 cr) - Required for Management concentration
- ACCT 405 - Advanced Cost Accounting (3cr)
- BADM 309 - Fundamentals of Risk Management (3cr) - Required for Financial Planning concentration
- BADM 315 - Quantitative Methods (3 cr)
- BADM 415 - Operations and Production Management (3 cr)
- BADM 432 - Introduction to Project Management (3cr)
- BADM 450 - Business Analytics (3cr)
- ECON 340 - Applied Econometrics (3cr)
Complete one innovative course from below (see specific concentration below for recommended course), 3 Hours:
- BADM 211 - Creativity and Problem Solving (3cr)
- BADM 212 - Introduction to Innovation (3cr)
- BADM 311 - Exploring Entrepreneurship (3cr) - Required for Entrepreneurship concentration
- ECON 360 - Game Theory (3cr)
Complete one additional core elective ACCT, BADM, ECON, or FINC course, or as approved by advisor, 3 Hours:
To minimize total courses needed to graduate, students should pick courses in the quantitative area above based on their chosen Concentration.
Students should complete MATH requirement, ACCT 201, ACCT 202, BADM 224, BADM 312, ECON 205, and ECON 206 during their first two years of study.
Students cannot receive credit for ECON 123 after completing ECON 205 and ECON 206 .
General Business Concentration
The concentration in general business provides students with flexibility in the job market. It prepares generalists who should be able to meet changes in the specific employment needs of the business community.
General business concentration requirements, 12 Hours:
Complete four (4) courses with an ACCT, BADM, ECON, or FINC prefix, or other approved course; at least 9 credits must be 300-level or higher.
Entrepreneurship Concentration
The concentration in entrepreneurship is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to facilitate the creation, development, and operational management of a small business or entrepreneurial venture.
Required innovative course:
- BADM 311 - Exploring Entrepreneurship (3cr)
Entrepreneurship concentration requirements, 12 Hours:
- BADM 370 - Entrepreneurial Organization and Financing (3 cr)
- BADM 350 - Retailing (3 cr)
- OR BADM 360 - Marketing of Services (3 cr)
- BADM 366 - Professional Selling (3 cr)
- OR BADM 396 - Marketing Research (3 cr)
- BADM 411 - New Venture Creation (3cr)
Financial Planning Concentration
The concentration in financial planning prepares students for a career as personal financial consultants. Once the requirements of the degree with a concentration in financial planning have been satisfied, students will be eligible to serve internships in the field of financial planning, after which they will be eligible to sit for a certification examination.
Required quantitative course:
- BADM 309 - Fundamentals of Risk Management (3cr)
Financial planning concentration requirements, 18 Hours:
- FINC 308 - Introduction to Financial Planning (3cr)
- FINC 425 - Investments (3 cr)
- ACCT 335 - Federal Taxation of Individuals (3cr)
- BADM 327 - Retirement and Employee Benefits (3 cr)
- BADM 329 - Estate Planning (3 cr)
- BADM 431 - Financial Plan Development (3cr)
Management Concentration
The concentration in management is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills in solving both quantitative and behavioral problems associated with the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Required quantitative course:
- ACCT 305 - Managerial Accounting (3 cr)
Management concentration requirements, 12 Hours:
Group I Business/Management Courses, 3 Hours:
Complete one of the following courses:
- BADM 320 - Employment Law (3 cr)
- BADM 324 - Negotiations and Collective Bargaining (3cr)
- BADM 385 - Business Externship (1-6 cr)
- BADM 392 - Cooperative Education in Business (1-9 cr)
- PSYC 321 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 cr)
Group II Quantitative Courses, 3 Hours:
Complete one additional quantitative course from the Business Core above.
Group III Economics Courses, 3 Hours:
Complete one of the following courses:
- ECON 301 - Intermediate Microeconomics (3 cr)
- ECON 303 - Managerial Economics (3 cr)
Group IV Elective, 3 Hours:
Complete one course, 300-level or higher, with an ACCT, BADM, ECON, or FINC prefix, or approved substitution.
Marketing Concentration
The concentration in marketing is designed to prepare students with knowledge and skills to undertake and manage the process of developing customer audiences and moving products and services from producers to customers. It is particularly appropriate for students desiring careers in sales and marketing or promotion.
Marketing concentration requirements, 12 Hours:
Required courses, 6 Hours:
- BADM 396 - Marketing Research (3 cr)
- BADM 412 - Strategic Marketing (3cr)
Marketing electives, 6 Hours (complete two):
- BADM 350 - Retailing (3 cr)
- BADM 360 - Marketing of Services (3 cr)
- BADM 365 - Promotional Strategy (3 cr)
- BADM 395 - Consumer Behavior (3 cr)
One field-based course (3cr): BADM 385 - Business Externship OR BADM 392 - Cooperative Education in Business
Risk Management and Insurance Concentration
Understanding and analyzing risk - the risk of choosing one project over another, one investment over another, one vendor over another - and then how best to minimize that risk, has become a high demand, high reward skill necessary in today’s business world. The concentration in Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) is designed to provide students with both quantitative and behavioral skills that prepare students for the wide variety of careers available in this industry.
Required Quantitative course, 3 Hours:
- BADM 309 - Fundamentals of Risk Management (3cr)
Risk Management and Insurance concentration requirements, 12 Hours:
Required courses, 6 Hours:
- FINC 409 - Financial Services and Commercial Environment (3cr)
- FINC 410 - Property and Liability Insurance (3cr)
Risk Management and Insurance electives, 6 Hours (complete two courses from the following):
- BADM 327 - Retirement and Employee Benefits (3 cr)
- BADM 329 - Estate Planning (3 cr)
- FINC 302 - Intermediate Financial Management (3 cr)
- FINC 308 - Introduction to Financial Planning (3cr)
- FINC 401 - Financial Analysis (3 cr)
- FINC 408 - Advanced Topics in Insurance (3cr)
- FINC 425 - Investments (3 cr)
Program Tuition Fee
English Language Requirements
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