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NBS Northern Business School



The NBS Northern Business School School of Management and security is a state-recognized university in private ownership, based in Hamburg.

This model is a reference point and a benchmark for the actions of all members of the university. It provides orientation and safety, but also shows right and responsibility. Students, teachers, employees and companies - - When used consistently, all coming together in college groups are realizing that they contribute to a good job: to give young people a high-quality academic training that enables them to survive well in society, these to customize and to be individually satisfied. Academic teaching can achieve this only if it aligns to both the current research as well as to the real problems of economic practice. Special feature of the university is to make the curriculum so that it is changing life circumstances of students needs.

Core of the university students are. Teachers and management of its responsibility for this are aware. The teachers see themselves as mentor and instructor of students. They enable students to responsible, tolerant and social action in the context of critical reflection - also by exemplify these characteristics. They give students the skills to work scientifically. Low distance between teachers and students, mutual trust and honesty in dealing create the basis for a good working relationship and are a prerequisite for cooperative study.

Task of university administration is to provide the organizational framework for the teaching partnership and efficiently. On students and teachers will be received openly and motivated. In this customer-oriented solutions are being sought.

All members of the university respect the freedom of science, research and teaching. Common values ​​are honesty, appreciation, respect and independence.

Teaching and Learning

The university provides a qualified teaching in an attractive learning environment during the construction phase as the main task. The courses offered here is geared to the needs of the North German economy. The university offers therefore first practical courses in the fields of business administration and security management. In the medium term is to be extended the offer to engineering and industrial engineering.

The teachers acknowledge semester evaluations as an important element for continuous improvement and accept performance-related pay. You want to be close to the students. Students work in small groups; thus created is an important parameter for short periods of study.

The university provides students for their cooperation a contemporary support Web-based tools and so increases their flexibility over time. In addition to the technical qualifications of the students, the university creates offers to promote their personal development. So this career for responsible activities and further academic programs qualify.

The university encourages lifelong learning by part-time courses. With the implementation of similar programs in content both full- and part-time degree program the foundations for an adaptation of the study periods are applied to the individual situation.

The teaching staff must be continuously developed so that it is able to satisfy both content and method the postulated claims.

  • Hamburg

    Holstenhofweg 62 , 22043 , Hamburg

    NBS Northern Business School