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National Institute Of Technology - ITENAS

National Institute of Technology (ITENAS) at Bandung is an institution of tertiary education located on PKH Mustopha street No. 23, Bandung. Lying at the heart of the area which is easily accessed from various directions, the Campus is considered strategic. Itenas is also dubbed as one of the most lively and fun campuses as it is surrounded by shopping centers, culinary centers, printings, and housings.

The National Institute of Technology (Institut Teknologi Nasional/ITENAS) at Bandung was founded by the Dayang Sumbi Educational Foundation. Itenas was originally an academy established on December 14, 1972 (based on the decree issued by Dayang Sumbi Educational Foundation Management Board No. 01/Kep/DS/1972) under the name of the National Academy of Technology (Akademi Teknologi Nasional/ATENAS).

The Academy consisted of four (4) departments i.e. Architecture, Civil, Electrical, and Engineering. At that time Prof. R. Soetodjo, Ir., was appointed as the Director of Atenas. In 1984 Atenas changed into Itenas at the same time with the appointment of R. Mansoer Wiratmadja, Ir., as the Rector of Itenas (based on the decree issued by the Management of Dayang Sumbi Education Foundation No. 01/Kep/DS/1984 dated January 3, 1984). Up until now, Itenas continues to grow as one of the best tertiary institutions at both national and international levels. In 2018 Itenas was ranked in the 100 Best Universities listed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. In 2019 Itenas proves itself by stepping up the ladder into 70th position.

  • Bandung

    Bandung, Indonesia



    National Institute Of Technology - ITENAS