Faculdades Integradas Campos Salles (FICS)
We are an institution of nine decades dedicated to an educational project aimed at training and informing. We remain firm in traditional purposes that guide our work, always open to live our time, committing to an education that cares to form trained people to transform society.
Aiming to enable children and young people for discernment, sensitivity, creativity, autonomy and social responsibility, guarantee continuing education faculty, modern facilities, technological resources and differentiated educational activities.
Institutional Values
The Colleges Campos Salles adopt a new conception of education based on fundamental principles.
Ethics: Provide education with transparency and respect for others;
Excellence: To train professionals able to meet the demands of the labor market with responsibility and competence;
Cooperation: To seek partnerships to share experiences and promote the exchange of students and teachers;
Autonomy: Foster the acquisition of knowledge critically;
Social responsability: Commit to the community in which the institution is inserted promoting solidarity actions.