Emirates College for Management & Information Technology
The Emirates College for Management & Information Technology (ECMIT) is a 4 year institution of higher education which was originally established and licensed by the UAE Ministry of Education in 1998 as Emirates Center for Management and Information Technology.
The Emirates College for Management & Information Technology (ECMIT) is a 4-year institution of higher education which was originally established and licensed by the UAE Ministry of Education in 1998 as Emirates Center for Management and Information Technology. In 2004, the center was renamed as Emirates College for Management and Information Technology, and a set of five mission-driven goals was developed which was to shape the future course of the college. In 2003, the college proposed to the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHESR) of the UAE its own 2-year AS degree programs in interdisciplinary sciences with majors in business and IT which were given initial accreditation in 2004. ECMIT’s first 5-Year Strategic Plan for 2006-2011 was developed in 2006. Termed as “Planning for Excellence at ECMIT”, the plan identified seven strategies for development. The Plan served as a foundation upon which the entire planning, assessment, and evaluation cycles of the college were built over the years. In 2010, the college developed a 2-semester foundation program consisting of basic courses in English, Mathematics, IT, Arabic and Study Skills to prepare academically weak students who could not satisfy the admission criteria set by the MOHESR for higher studies in the UAE. The program was approved by the MOHESR in the same year. In the academic year 2011-12, ECMIT developed its second strategic plan with a set of expanded strategies and objectives that included the launching of graduate and undergraduate programs, expansion of learning resources and re-composition of the faculty with terminal degree holders. In the same year, the institutional mission and goals were revised to align them with the revised strategies. During the academic year 2012-13, the college successfully revised and upgraded all its associate degree programs, and significantly enhanced its library and IT resources. During the same period, the institution underwent a series of evaluations by the CAA that led to the full accreditation of all its associate academic programs and initial accreditation of the 124 credit BBA program. The college has come a long way since its establishment in 1998. It has developed a western style administrative structure in which the college is led by a president with extensive experience in the North American higher education system and by a dean of academic affairs who possesses extensive expertise in higher education systems overseas. It has rebuilt its faculty with 90% terminal degree holders. Around 84% of its 17 faculty members now work full time. Consequently, enrollment witnessed significant growth from 137 (lowest) in the fall of 2012 to 263 in spring 2014. The college’s Academic Affairs is organized into five academic divisions: Foundation and Remedial, General Education and English Studies, Business, Information Technology and Continuing Education Divisions. These divisions are supported by a well-organized network of auxiliary units such as Advising and Registration, Computer, and IT Services, Library, Admissions and Marketing, and Student Affairs. The programs are delivered in English in a gender-unified environment that allows male and female students to study together. Furthermore, the college has established a well-functioning Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Unit which coordinates and supports ECMIT’s efforts to ensure quality in all aspects of its operation. The unit conducts opinion and satisfaction surveys, collects, generates and analyzes information for institutional research and compliance. Over a period of 15 years, the college has graduated over 20 classes totaling over 2000 students. Today these students occupy strategic positions in government, business, public and private sectors making significant contributions to the national economy. Over the years, ECMIT has followed the ideal of practical independent thinking by teaching students the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in life. Though they come from diverse backgrounds, students share a commitment to achieving their individual career aspirations. The college has nurtured this commitment in an academic environment responsive to the changing needs of the workplace and by providing strong career planning support and attention to the needs of each student. The constant emphasis at ECMIT has been to build a community network through its connections with potential employers and delivering a supportive environment in which students can achieve their goals.
- Dubai
ECMIT, Al Nahda Area II, , Dubai