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Davis & Elkins College Online

Henry Gassaway Davis and his son-in-law, Stephen Benton Elkins, developed industry and the railroad lines that made it thrive. They also donated land and money to establish, in partnership with the Presbyterian Church, what would officially become Davis & Elkins College in 1904.

Our mission at Davis & Elkins College is to produce critical thinkers and lifelong learners. Why? Because those are the people who may try and fail, but they also can adapt and grow. The ones who press on until they succeed. But success for its own sake is empty. Senators are value-driven. They value deep and meaningful relationships, seeking to understand one another across differences, the sanctity of truth, and the beauty of the natural world.

  • Elkins

    100 Campus Drive Elkins, W.Va. , 26241, Elkins

      Institution also offers:

      Davis & Elkins College Online