Compass College of Cinematic Arts
Welcome to a college that is different than any other school you’ve ever experienced. We are the only conservatory-style, interdenominational college in the nation whose curriculum is specific to the entertainment industry. With a unique, performance-based curriculum, we’re defined by the quality of filmmaking education we offer and by the successes of our alumni.
Welcome to Compass College of Cinematic Arts.
Welcome to a college that is different than any other school you’ve ever experienced. We are the only conservatory-style, interdenominational college in the nation whose curriculum is specific to the entertainment industry. With a unique, performance-based curriculum, we’re defined by the quality of filmmaking education we offer and by the successes of our alumni.
The brilliant thing about our being different is that you are different, too. There’s an artist in you. You know it. We know it. And if you’re ready to find your place as an artist in one of the fastest growing industries in the world, our dedicated faculty and staff are here to help guide you to your dream come true.
Film school is a journey. A compass will keep you pointed in your true direction. Journey with us.
- Grand Rapids
Compass College of Cinematic Arts 41 Sheldon Blvd. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503, MI 49503, Grand Rapids