Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Cospicua, Malta
4 Years
Full time
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EUR 2,500 / per semester *
* plus one-time admission fee: 1000 EUR + registration fee: 100 EUR/semester + activity fee: 100 EUR/semester
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Industrial Engineers forge careers that, though admittedly varied, are often concerned with how to drastically reduce or even eliminate our waste of time, money, materials, energy, and other valuable commodities. Industrial Engineers assume positions of consequence in industries such as high tech, manufacturing, entertainment, shipping and logistics, healthcare, project management, transportation, systems modeling, telecommunications, customer service, and even in government.
Program Details
In the first two years, students will focus on completing the university’s General Education Program (42 US / 84 ECTS credits), which introduces five thematic areas: communication, data and quantitative literature, scientific inquiry, arts and humanities, and social sciences. In the third and fourth years, students will focus on topics relevant to their major.
Program Educational Objectives
- Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
- Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
- Ability to design system, component, or process to meet needs within realistic constraints
- Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
- Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
- Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
- Knowledge of contemporary issues
- Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
(INE-1) The curriculum must prepare graduates to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. The curriculum must include in-depth instruction to accomplish the integration of systems using appropriate analytical, computational, and experimental practices.
Program Outcome
The Industrial Engineering Program objectives and indicators are:
Objective 1
Technical Proficiency. Graduates integrate mathematics, physics, engineering science, operations research, applied probability and statistics, manufacturing technology, production planning, and computer simulation to model and analyze entire systems that are composed of their individual components, subsystems, and processes
Objective 2
Professional Growth. Graduates develop and exercise their capabilities for life‐long learning as a means to enhance their technical and social skills.
Objective 3
Management Skills. Graduates develop and refine their management, communications, and professional skills to increase their effectiveness as team members and team leaders.

Career Opportunities
- Industrial Engineer at an engineering company.
- Logistics Manager at a construction firm.
- Robotics and Automation Control Coordinator at an Artificial Intelligence research facility.
Teaching & Assessment
The method of teaching follows the classroom model in which the primary mode of instruction is a flipped classroom model. A set of short lectures prepared by AUM lead faculty will be viewed by students and take quizzes on that material prior to attending class. Students will then attend classes that are led by an on-site AUM co-professor. The co-professor will then clarify concerns and lead in-class exercises (problems, design projects, instructing on software, discussions). Often these sessions will be in a collaborative learning environment in which students work in small groups.
Laboratory modules involve two to three-hour fully on-site laboratory sessions in which students complete assignments involving hands-on laboratory experiments and supplemental data analysis either individually or as part of groups. Laboratories are assessed using written lab reports and/or oral presentations.

4-Year Degree Plan Outline
Year I
Semester I
- ENG 101 English Composition 1
- MAT 120 Calculus I
- CHE 111 Introduction to General Chemistry (with lab)
- HIS 101 History of the Mediterranean
- ENR 102 Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Design
Semester II
- ENG 102 English Composition 2
- SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
- BIO 101 Unity of Life (with Lab)
- MAT 130 Calculus II
- PHY 111 Physics with Calculus I (with lab)
Year 2
Semester I
- IEE 175 Computer Programming for Engineering Applications
- CIE 214 Statics
- MAT 220 Calculus III
- PHY 240 Introductory Electricity and Magnetism (with Lab)
- REL 101 OR ATH 101 OR PHI 101 Arts/Humanities GE
Semester II
- CHI 112 General Chemistry II (with Lab)
- IEE 250 Introduction to Systems and Industrial Engineering
- IEE 277 Object-Oriented Modeling and Design
- COM 101 Introduction to Multicultural Communication
- IEE 265 Engineering Management I
Year 3
Semester I
- REL 101 OR ATH 101 OR PHI 101 Arts/Humanities GE
- IEE 270 Mathematical Foundations of Systems and Industrial Engineering
- IEE 295S Systems and Industrial Engineering Sophomore Colloquium
- IEE 305 Introduction to Engineering Probability and Statistics
- IEE 377 Software for Engineers
- IEE 367 Engineering Management II
Semester II
- IEE 340 Deterministic Operations Research
- IEE 410A Human Factors and Ergonomics in Design
- IEE 421 Probabilistic Models in Operations Research
- IEE 383 Integrated Manufacturing Systems
- IEE 370 Embedded Computer Systems
- IEE 367 Engineering Management II
Year 4
Semester I
- PHI 102 Applied Ethics
- IEE 330R Engineering Experiment Design
- PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
- IEE 431 Simulation Modeling and Analysis
- IEE 498A Cross-disciplinary Design
Semester II
- CIE 301 Engineering Communications
- IEE 406 Quality Engineering
- IEE 464 Cost Estimation
- MEE 462 Composite Materials
- MEE 498B Cross-disciplinary Design
- IEE 462 Production Systems Analysis
- IEE 457 Project Management